The Edionan species were born from the Tree of Life that grew on their planet which they called Ediona, meaning "paradise" in their native tongue. Reliant on the Tree's energy to survive for long periods of time they never left their home planet for long. The trips they did make were usually spent spreading her gift of plant life to otherwise barren planets.
The Cataclysm War
The act of spreading plant life around caught the attention of the life devouring force known as Cataclysm. When it learned of the Tree of Life and her children and sought to devour them. Making its way to Ediona, it met resistance from the natives, but they alone could not defeat this monster, the Tree of Life had to step in.
A great battle took place between the two forces, ultimately ending in Cataclysm being sealed away in a pocket dimension and the Tree weakened. With her remaining energy she created a weapon for her children to use if Cataclysm ever returned, known as Pandora's Box. With the Tree severely weakened, an energy crisis began for the Edionans who were dependent on its lifeforce to survive.
The Energy Wars
The Tree had little time to recover as her children grew more desperate. This led to in-fighting and eventually a civil war that would go on for a brutal 15 years. The war ravaged the planet's population and the negative energy was preventing the tree from being able to heal. The end of the war left the planet on the fritz and the recovery progress was slow, though it would not be enough.
Ivenians, used to not having direct contact with the Tree, managed to endure this period without as much of an impact as the homeworld, though they did see the occasional refugee there was not much they could provide for those without their particular adaptations. Meanwhile the small colony of Meida was as yet unknown during the height of the crisis and thus was unaffected thanks to having their own Tree of Life to support them, but unaware of and unable to help their cousins back on Ediona.
Discovery of the Meidan Colony
Near the end of those 15 years of turmoil contact was finally made with the Meidan Edionans, who were able to help supplement the energy output of the recovering Tree of Life with some of their own, though they could not provide too much as their Tree Mother was young and small. There were attempts by some homeworlders to emigrate to Meida for some perceived stability, but most were scared off by the local Ranhana.
With trade and culture opened up between Ediona and Meida, there were a few years of interaction between them as a strong bond was formed. While the Meidan colony did not officially join Ediona's house system, they still respected it and the Matriarch and when their first senshi was discovered even sent her as a diplomat. This era of peace and recovery did not last long however.
The Return of the Cataclysm Forces
The undead army created by Cataclysm had not been sealed with their master and soon arrived on Ediona, and began to purge the already weakened civilization. A good 95% of the population fell, while the ones that remained managed to escape, some were left to float in the void to wherever the solar winds took them in Cryo Bubbles. Others were taken by the Tree as she forcefully ejected herself from the planet. The Children of the Tree were scattered to the wind.
While Ediona, Ive, and their people were the primary target of the invasion, Meida did not go entirely unscathed this time. Sailor Meida awakened when she encountered a scouting party of the undead Tarot in the Meidan jungle. Unaware of what she had witnessed she did not realise what it meant, and while she made sure to tell her Elders about it the information did not make it to Ediona with any real understanding of what was to come. After that initial scouting party was destroyed Meida did not see much action, any other contingents that arrived on the moon were primarily dealt with by the Ranhana who did not take kindly to the incursions. As a result though Meida became a haven for homeworld Edionans and Ivenians after Ediona was lost. The newcomers were already frightened and desperate, and did not understand the culture of the Ranhana and it was not long before conflict broke out. With Sailor Meida away fighting the remnants of the Cataclysm forces and most of the Cardian Masters wiped out from the war the Ranhanans easily overwhelmed most of the community.
Sailor Meida returned home to find her people lost, the only one left being the Meidan Tree Mother. Together they abandoned their home to search for those who had made it off world, and a chance to rebuild their species.
Meanwhile, the daughter of the Matriarch had followed the trajectory of the Tree of Life and was floating towards Earth...
With the Palladium System in ruins and the survivors spread far and wide throughout space a new home was needed if the species was to continue.
After some time on Earth Ail and An turned a new page and learned how to support the Tree of Life that had rescued them. They left Earth to look for a new home and eventually found it in the Theos System. Settling on their new planet, Paradiso, together with the Tree they started a new civilisation of Paradisians. In the far future of Crystal Tokyo and the 30th Century a Sailor Paradiso awakens and makes her way to Earth to make contact with Neo Queen Serenity. There she is in for a surprise, for she discovers a small but bustling population of Edionans in Crystal Tokyo led by Eternal Sailor Ediona.
Sailor Meida and the Meidan Tree had made their way to Earth, tracking those who had arrived before her, and after some time the Meidan Tree established herself there and by the 30th Century had begun to birth a new breed of Edionans. A special district was set up for them, overrun by nature, and they took care of Earth as it took care of them.