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The Ranhana are a monogendered plant-based species, they have no real technology as their inherent powers provide all they need, including space travel in some cases. Split into tribes or clans that are held together by hiveminds, they are constantly warring with each other. While cultural variation exists between the different planets they inhabit, and on a smaller scale between the clans on those planets, for the most part they behave very similarly to each other.


Each clan is an autocracy headed by a Queen, this is usually a Xenian due to their natural psychic talents, however it is not impossible for any rank and file Ranhana to climb their way to the top of their clan by challenging their rivals and taking their place by proving their might. Aside from Xenians, senshi are the most likely to take the position of Queen as their Sailor Crystals grant them increased. The majority of Ranhana have minimal independent drives as they are easily caught in the sway of the hivemind, with Dahlians being particularly susceptible.


Appearing as female humanoids, Ranhana can appear in multiple different variations. A consistency amongst then is a chitin like structure to protect sensitive areas of the bodies as well as petals and foliage in the form of hair that can come in a rainbow of colours.

Types of Ranhana


Considered to be the most abundant but also the weakest of the Ranhana subcategories, Dahlians have snake like lower bodies that extend from where they were planted in the ground. They have the capability of replanting themselves if need be. They are some of the easiest to succumb to death, be it through warring tribes or a relatively short life span. They do have a lot of speed and agility however. But they are still considered the cannon fodder of their species.

Dahlia - Sailor Soaopbox SS - 2.png


Glycina are juggernauts of power within their planet and are the most efficient fighters from the ground. They aren't as common as Dahlians but they are still rather prevalent. They have six large insectoid like legs which are efficient in both strength and speed, and can split their arms into tentacle-like vines. However, they don't have the same range of movement freedom that a Dahlian might, and are considered slower than them.

Glycina - Sailor Soaopbox SS - 2.png


The most humanoid in appearence, these Ranhana have insectoid like wings that are razor sharp to the touch. They also have the most freedom of moment, not even needing to be bound by gravity with their gift of flight. Their wings however can be very fragile if the right damage is done. They have long blade like protrusions coming from their elbows which she employed in combat.

Campanula - Sailor Soaopbox SS - 1.png


Xenians are very rare, and while the most physically frail and small in size, more than make up for this in their psychic influence on not only the other Ranhana, but other life forms as well. They are able to form a psychic link to any being that gets too close to them and can even bend them to her will, making it easy for them to rule as Queens. They also produce the seeds in which all other Ranhana sprout from.

Xenian - Sailor Soaopbox SS - 2.png

Official Images

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Decoratione Left.png
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Flower Monster Glycina
Faun Bubble Edit - Junoh.png
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