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Sailor Paradiso

Sailor Paradiso was created as a "what if" regarding Ail and An's future - what if they did find a new planet and re-populated their race with the Tree of Life? This lead to the creation of Sailor Paradiso, a senshi of the 30th Century, and the Theos System. THIS PAGE IS CURRENTLY A WORK IN PROGRESS.


Creator: JunohNebula


Name: Petuni


Age: 19


Relationship: Single


Birthday: 18th July

Height: ???cm


Weight: ??kg


Star sign: ​???

Complexion: Light Yellow-Green 


Eyes: Magenta


Hair: Fuschia with Turquoise Highlights 

Hair Style: Long, out

Species: Edionan (Paradisian)

Species Abilities


  • ???

  • ???

  • ???



  • ???

  • ???

  • ???


  • ???

  • ???

  • ???



Petuni is an upbeat and resilient soul. She tries to come up with solutions to problems rather than worry about them and will face any threat with a brave face. She's a bit of a natural born leader, willing to take charge of a situation where she needs to but also knows when not to interfere with someone else's plans - Petuni knows she's not always the right one in that regard.


She puts others before herself in most situations, it is her job as the protector to do so. Though she might end up neglecting personal feelings because of her obligations.


Paradiso Sword - Junoh.png


Heavenly Blade

Name: Sailor Paradiso

Celestial Body: Paradiso (Planet)


Domain: Light?


Transformation Phrase:

  • Paradiso Power! Make Up! (Base)

  • Paradiso Planet Power! Make Up! (Super)

  • Paradiso Eternal Make Up! (Eternal) 

Transformation Item:

  • Heavens Brooch (Base)

  • ??? (Super)

  • ??? (Eternal) 



  • Heavenly Blade




Divine Splitting Slash

An attack channeled through The Heavenly Blade, the blade itself is engulfed in a yellowish light which is shot forth in a slashing manner wherever Sailor Paradiso swings her sword.


Heavenly Slice


Fighting Style:

Paradiso prefers more direct combat, wanting to keep close to her enemy as well as keep up the pressure against them. She likes to try and overwhelm her for until they are backed into a corner with no escape, though she knows when to disengage if she thinks that she's putting others or herself too much at risk.




Petuni is the descendant of Ail and An, living in the 30th Century.

Petuni accepts her role as a senshi and protector of her people as a full time occupation after she awoke her powers. She considers it her sacred duty to protect Paradiso and her people.


A collection of original art by Junoh Nebula, fanart by friends, gifts and commissions, as well as screenshot edits by Junoh and friends. Please check each image for the credits. Group images featuring Petuni can be found in the Group Artwork Gallery.

Attention! This page is a Work In Progress!

Faun Bubble Edit - Junoh.png
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Ediona and Moons.png
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